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 +"School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering. University of New South Wales, Sydney ( ARC Photovoltaics Centre of Excellence)","www.pv.unsw.edu.au/","Si-based PV -> High efficiency, 3rd generation & Thin Film (poly-Si) ","AUS, New South Wales, Sydney","Gavin Conibeer",,"g.conibeer(at)unsw.edu.au",,"Article “Third-generation photovoltaics”. In: Materials Today, Vol 10, Nov. 2007.  Pp 42-50. Top research."
 +"3E","www.3e.be/","expert partner in the design and realisation of photovoltaic systems from micro-power to multi-MW size systems (project development, product & system development, operational monitoring & quality systems support","Belgium (Brussels)","Geert Palmers",,"info(at)3E.eu","32 2 217 58 68 ","Building Physics and Active Systemsfor the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica, the 1st Zero Emission Research Station. www.antarcticstation.org"
 +"University of Ghent – Electronic & Information Systems – ELIS","www.elis.ugent.be/en/node/646","Poly-Si & Thin Film (CdTe)","Belgium (Ghent)","prof. dr. ir. lic. Alexis De Vos",,"alex(at)elis.UGent.be","+32(0)92643376","Also IMEC & Athlete"
 +"Soltex","www.uhasselt.be/onderzoek/groepen/teams_p_dep/abstract_project.asp?id=R-0781&pnummer=0555","Instituut voor Materiaalonderzoek ","Belgium, Hasselt","Prof. dr. Dirk Vanderzande","Adj. Director of the Institute for Materials Research","dirk.vanderzande(at)uhasselt.be ","32-11-268321 ","The SOLTEX project (ended in 2005) aimed at the development of flexibel organic solar cells laminated on textiles: 1. Lamination of organic solar cells on textiles. 2. Application of the technology and the materials for organic solar cells. Esp. efficiency and lifetime of the cells need to be enhanced. Www.uhasselt.be/onderzoek/groepen/teams_p_dep/abstract_project.asp?id=R-0781&pnummer=0555 - See Imec"
 +"Interuniversity Microelectronics Center Research Group Solar Cells (IMEC)","www.imec.be","Thin film Crystalline Si cells - Organic (plastic) cells -          High efficient hybride (Ge, GaAs, InGaP) cells","Belgium, Leuven","Dr. ir. Jef Poortmans","Program Director Photovoltaics- 
 +Research Group Solar Cells Imec","Jef.Poortmans(at)imec.be","+32 16 281.302","IMEC is Europe’s leading independent microelectronics research center. See PhotoVoltech
 +"IWT-SBO-project Nanosolar","www.imo.uhasselt.be/polytech/","Flexible cells","Belgium; Hasselt",,,,,"See photovoltech"
 +"Sargent Group; University of Toronto","http://light.utoronto.ca/index-research.html","Infrared sensitive organic 'plastic' soluble solar cells ","Canada, Toronto","Prof. Ted Sargent",,"ted.sargent(at)utoronto.ca ",,"personal web sites: www.tedsargent.com / www.danceofmolecules.com
 +"Risoe - Polymer Department","www.risoe.dk/Risoe_dk/Home/Research/sustainable_energy/new_energy_technologies/projects/solar_energy.aspx","Organic (Plastic) cells","Denmark","Torben Damgaard Nielsen",,"torben.damgaard.nielsen(at)risoe.dk","+45  4677 4798",
 +"Crystal Clear","www.ipcrystalclear.info/default.aspx","Research and development on advanced industrial crystalline silicon PV technology.","EU",,,,,"one of the first Integrated Projects to be carried out in the 6th Framework Program of the European Union. The project runs from January 2004 to December 2008 and involves several companies, universities and research centers."
 +"Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung (ZSW) Baden-Württemberg","www.zsw-bw.de/index_en.html","PV materials research & development, especially thin-film technologies - Systems development for PV applications","Germany, Baden-Württemberg",,,,,
 +"Hahn Meitner Institut – Athlete","www.hmi.de/bereiche/SE/SE5/index_en.html; www.hmi.de/projects/athlet/index.html","Advanced Thin Film Technologies for Cost Effective Photovoltaics (also C(oncentrated)PV) ","Germany, Berlin","Prof. Walther Fuhs",,"fuhs(at)hmi.de",,"Sponsored by the E.U. 6th Framework Project – www.hmi.de/projects/athlet/partner.html"
 +"Fraunhofer Institut ","www.ise.fraunhofer.de","MonoCrystalline Si Cells - PolyCrystalline Si Cells - Thin Film (a-Si; incl. 210X210) Concentrated PV/III-V Solar Cells & Ep-       Dye Sensitized solar cells  -(DSS-  Silk-screen printed organic -   Photovoltaic Modules testing        Market Research ","Germany, Freiburg",,,,"+49 761 45 880","Top DSC research; Stefan Gluze; Jan Goldschmidt (back contact); Marius Philips (photonic band gaps) (contacts of BS Richards)"
 +"The International Solar Energy Society – ISES","www.ises.org","Supports its members in the advancement of renewable energy technology, implementation and education all over the world.","Germany, Freiburg",,,"hq(at)ises.org",,"Organize Solar Academies, practical training events"
 +"Institut fur Physikalische Elektronik (IPE). University of Stuttgart.","www.ipe.uni-stuttgart.de/index.php?lang=eng&pulldownID=12&ebene2ID=44","Examine different PV technologies for their annual energy yield considering different climatic conditions. ","Germany, Stuttgart",,,,,
 +"The Institute of Physical Electronics; Stuttgart University","www.ipe.uni-stuttgart.de/index.php?lang=eng&pulldownID=12&ebene2ID=44","Thin film Flexible solar cells based on  20 to 50 µm thick mono-crystalline Si layers. 
 +Amorphous/Crystalline Cells  
 +Further research via usage of SiO2/Si quantum structures, fluorescent light conversion, or optical nanostructures.","Germany, Stuttgart","Jürgen Werner; Markus Schubert (Clothing PV) ",,"Juergen.Werner(at)ipe.uni-stuttgart.de",,"Periode : 1/1/2003 - 31/12/2005"
 +"Energy research Centre of the Netherlands – ECL","www.ecn.nl","PUM-cell (spider design)","Holland","Paul Wyers","Unit Manager",,,
 +"Department of design for sustainability. Delft University of Technology","www.io.tudelft.nl/live/pagina.jsp?id=90db5a6a-b0d2-45c1-982c-eb4e17ce1f31&lang=en","Promote knowledge about the development of product systems throughout their lifetime so that explicit and optimal account can be taken of the potential for reducing environmental pollution. The aim is also to combine this knowledge with innovations from other domains of product quality. This will help to expand the opportunities for sustainable development in our society. ","Holland, Delft","Prof. Han Brezet",,"j.c.brezet(at)tudelft.nl",,
 +"Technische Universiteit Delft - Solar Powered Portable Consumer Products","www.io.tudelft.nl/live/pagina.jsp?id=3a97aedc-d16c-49d7-927f-cd17d9837948&lang=en","3D thin film; Organic Spray-on Solar (TiO2 and CuInS2)","Holland, Delft",,,,,
 +"Holst Center ","www.holstcentre.com","“generating and storing power at the micro scale to improve the autonomy or
 +reduce the size of wireless autonomous transducer systems. The envisaged solution takes its energy (thermal, mechanical or solar) from the environment and converts it into electrical energy, stored in a micro-battery.”","Holland, Eindhoven",,,,,"Initiators are IMEC (Flanders, Belgium) and TNO (The Netherlands).
 + "
 +"3TU – Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology","www.3tu.nl/en/research/centres_of_excellence/sustainable_energy_technologies/","Sustainable energy production and storage ","Holland, Utrecht","Jacqueline Dekker ","Chairmen secretary ","j.k.dekker(at)remove-this.tudelft.nl ",,"Collaboration between 3 Dutch Universities of Technology. "
 +"Department of Science, Technology and Society. Utrecht University.","www.chem.uu.nl/nws/www/nws.html","Assessments of technological potentials and costs of photovoltaic energy systems, ways to stimulate implementation of PV technology, performance monitoring and technical optimization of PV systems, environmental impact studies of PV systems, analysis of integration options for PV and wind energy. ","Holland, Utrecht","Erik Alsema (drs E.A)",,"E.A.Alsema(at)uu.nl","+31-30-253 76 18","Also see Copernicus Institute: http://www.geo.uu.nl/20419main.html"
 +"The Ben-Gurion National Solar Energy Center","http://cmsprod.bgu.ac.il/Eng/Units/bidr/Departments/EnvironmentalResearch/solarcenter/","Fullerene (carbon-buckyball) solar cells; CPV and testing & monitoring ","Israël","David Faiman","Director "," faiman(at)bgu.ac.il",,
 +"NEDO: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization","www.nedo.go.jp/english/index.html","Environmental technology R & D ","Japan",,,,,
 +"IFS MacDiarmid Centre","http://nrc.massey.ac.nz/","Development of a range of coloured synthetic dyes for use in dye-sensitised solar cells. (e.g. dyes from synthetic chlorophyl and haemoglobin)","New Zealand","Dr. Wayne Campbell",,,,"http://masseynews.massey.ac.nz/2007/Press_Releases/04-04-07.html"
 +"MacDiarmid Centre of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology","http://macdiarmid.ac.nz/THEMES/theme3.php","Organic (plastic) solar cells","New Zealand",,,,,
 +"Heriot-Watt University, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences","www.heriot-watt.co.uk","a-Si (Thin film) integration in fabric/textiles - Concentrating PV using luminescent dyes on Perspex/Acrylic (PMMA) for BIPV. ","Scotland","Prof. John I.B. Wilson; Bryce S. Richards","Director; Lecturer","j.i.b.wilson(at)hw.ac.uk; B.S.Richards(at)hw.ac.uk","+44 (0)131 451 3247; +44 (0)131 451 3614","See also Power Textiles Ltd."
 +"Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT)","hwww.ciemat.es/portal.do?IDM=211&NM=4","Photovoltaic conversion; photovoltaic power plants; photovoltaic cells; silicon; thin films; purpose is cost reduction and increase performance","Spain","Faustino Chenlo Romero 
 +","Head of Project ",,,
 +"Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne – EPFL Laboratory of Composite and Polymer Technology ","http://solar-impulse.epfl.ch;  http://ltc.epfl.ch/domain.php?Id=6","PV-fibers/textiles","Switzerland, Lausanne",,,,,"Partnership with Konarka"
 +"Laboratory for Photonics and Interfaces,
 +Swiss Federal Institute of Technology","http://lpi.epfl.ch/solarcellE.html","Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, based on Nanocrystalline Oxide Semiconductor Films","Switzerland, Lausanne",,,,,
 +"Université de Neuchâtel ","www2.unine.ch/Jahia/site/pv/cache/offonce/pid/6289","Solar Power Personal Laboratory Project","Switzerland, Neuchâtel",,,,,"Overview PV and thin-film silicon research institutions  ->  www2.unine.ch/Jahia/site/pv/op/edit/pid/8612"
 +"Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ)
 +A science and technology university. 
 +","www.ethz.ch/about/index_EN","Thin Film PV; CIGS; CdTe/CdS","Switzerland, Zürich       ",,,,,
 +"Photovoltaic Materials for the 21st Century – SuperGen PV21","www.epsrc.ac.uk/ResearchFunding/Programmes/Energy/Funding/SUPERGEN/PhotovoltaicMaterialsForThe21stCentury.htm","Working on semiconductor-based cells using materials like silicon, cadmium telluride & copper indium di-selenide. Aiming to reduce the cost (€/Wp), focusing on the physics and chemistry most likely to improve efficiency and reduce costs using ultra-thin structures, and silicon processing by laser processing and high materials utilisation sputtering. ","UK","Professor Stuart Irvine. ",,"sjc.irvine(at)bangor.ac.uk ",,"6 British Universities and 7 companies for UK 's largest ever single research programme on solar cells. "
 +"Solar Aid","http://solar-aid.org","1st Solar energy charity for the developing world","UK, London",,,,,
 +"Northhumbria Photovoltaics Applications Centre","http://northumbria.ac.uk/sd/academic/ceis/re/esg/npacn/?view=Standard","Inorganic photovoltaic cells  -  Cell Technology & PV System Design Development -> CuInSe2 and related chalcopyrite thin film solar cells","UK, Newcastle","Robert W. Miles",,"robert.miles(at)northhumbria.ac.uk",,"Article: “Inorganic photovoltaic cells.” In: Materials Today, Vol 10, Nov. 2007.  Pp 11-27.  NPAC is part of the EPSRC funded project ""Photovoltaic Materials for the 21st Century"" (PV21) with five other UK universities. "
 +"Bangor University, School of Chemistry","www.chemistry.bangor.ac.uk/pjh/projects.php","DSSC - ""breakthrough"" low cost PV surfaces, using cost effective materials and rapid/continuous coil coating manufacturing.","UK, Wales","Dr Peter Holliman",,,,"end project 31 May 2010 – partners: www.chemistry.bangor.ac.uk/pjh/collaborations.php"
 +"National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Photovoltaics division","www.nrel.gov","Research in PV-related materials; development of PV cells in several material systems; characterization of PV cells, modules & systems; assisting industry with standardized tests and performance models for PV devices; helping the PV industry accelerate manufacturing capacity and commercialization of various PV technologies. ","US","Thomas Surek","Program manager",,,
 +"Berkeley Lab – Materials Sciences Division","www.lbl.gov/msd/","Inorganic Nanocrystals Cells; Organic cells (CdSe)","US, Berkely","Paul Alivisatos",,,,"Development of Inexpensive, ultra-thin films of nano-sized semiconductors"
 +"Rocky Mountain Institute","www.rmi.org/","independent, entrepreneurial, nonprofit organization. Aim = efficient and restorative use of resources. Research & consulting services","US, Boulder (Colorado)",,,"ERT(at)rmi.org",,"Audio and Video Library"
 +"Prometheus Institute for Sustainable development","http://prometheus.org/","Non-profit focusing on collecting and disseminating information on all types of technology and processes used in promoting global economic, industrial, and societal sustainable development.
 +","US, Cambridge",,,"moreinfo(at)prometheus.org",,
 +"School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (The Georgia Institute of Technology) ","www.ece.gatech.edu/research/labs/krg/","Organic pv - “coat organic materials into large area films at low cost” ","US, Georgia, Atlanta","Bernard Kippelen","Director ","Kippelen(at)ece.gatech.edu",,
 +"New Jersey Science and Technology University; Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science","http://web.njit.edu/~mitra/index.html","Spray-on Solar (Nanoparticles particularly carbon nanotubes as an adsorbents, chromatography stationary phases, functionalization and polymer composites) ","US, New Jersey","Somenath Mitra ","Professor – Head of Department ",,,"Article: www.ecogeek.org/content/view/814/"
 +"Cornell University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering","www.mse.cornell.edu/mse/research/research_fields.cfm?id=Energy","Developing a wide range of energy-related materials, such as PV materials. Research is also conducted on materials processing that minimizes environmental impact.","US, New York, Ithaca","George G. Malliaras",,"ggm1(at)cornell.edu",,"Article “Photovoltaics from soluble small molecules”. In: Materials Today, Vol 10, Nov. 2007.  Pp 34-41."
 +"Center for Life Cycle Analysis (CLCA) - Columbia University","www.clca.columbia.edu/research.html","“The Center for Life Cycle Analysis(LCA) of Columbia University was formed in the spring of 2006 with the objective of conducting comprehensive LCAs of energy systems.  LCA provides a framework for quantifying the potential environmental impacts of material and energy inputs and outputs of a process or product...” ","US, NY",,,,,
 +"Stanford Solar Center","http://solar-center.stanford.edu/mission.html","Polymer-based solar cells","US, Stanford","Michael D. McGehee",,,,
 +"Electric Power Research Institute","http://my.epri.com/portal/server.pt?","pUM-cell (spider design)","US, CA;NC;TX;TN;DC (Japan, Spain)","Frank Goodman ","Manager",,,
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  • Last modified: 2008-02-23 10:55
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