===== Syncoptic Status ===== Status of: [[Project Syncoptic]] - r28 - 21 Sep 2003 - 00:09 (See also: [[Project Syncoptic Log]] work in trans(form)action.. ==== TO DO ==== * [ ] Video Monitor / 2nd computer setup * [ ] Mechanism for Water Removal (Pump, Clean Drain, or Other) * [ ] Water filling ==== In Progress ==== * [-] Constellation Input * [-] Balloon Documentation * [-] Audio Setup * [-] Inflating * [-] Test Test Test * [-] Fix Electronic Support * [-] Video Tracking * [-] Sound enhancement. * [-] Curtain * [-] Aesthetics * [-] Game Design / Logistics * [-] Tech documentation of components ==== Optional ==== * [ ] Find Audio Interface * [ ] System Diagram * [ ] Autonomous LED circuits (can we do LED assembly fun with C31 or so?) * [ ] Make A Floor Plan * [-] Polyfoam for Inside Inflatable? * [-] Display stand for Inside Inflatable? ==== Done ==== * [x] Star Chart * [x] Printed matters? * [x] IR Filters For Camera * [x] Constellation / Logic / Networking * [x] Fix Fans * [x] Velcro for fans * [x] Drawings * [x] Soundsystem / Subwoofer Rental * [x] Mount Camera * [x] Drawings * [x] Sound Programming * [x] Lumber and Hardware for frame * [x] Transparent Plastic for Roof * [x] Floor Covering * [x] Mounting Hardware for floor covering * [x] Zip ties * [x] Liquid Floor Bladders * [x] 4-to-6-pin firewire adapter cable (ask Nik / visit electronics store) * [x] LED Driver Chip * [x] LEDs [arriving from USA AGAIN] * [x] Cat5 connectors * [x] Wire, Non-Insulated * [x] Darlington Transistors * [x] Breadboard * [x] DB9 Connector (serial communication between basicx and max-msp) * [x] Connector wires * [x] FoAM Strobe * [x] Teleo-driven LEDs. * [x] Build Matrix * [x] More Space Measurements * [x] Pneumatics book * [x] sound+space strategy * [x] Public Solicitation of Involvement * [x] Inflatable Tech Illustration